Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Achilles got his armor and suited up. He calls the Greeks to assembly and says that even though he's still mad at Agamemnon, he regrets leaving battle. Agamemnon never blames himself, but agrees and reminds Achilles of the gifts, which Achilles does not care about them, only battle. Odysseus reminds them that the soldiers need food, only Achilles disagrees. While the rest of the Danaans eat Zeus sends down ambrosia and nector from Olympus for Achilles. He rides off to battle after his horse gives him a warning of his death. Zeus finally told us that we could join the battle and us on the Greeks' wait it out to see what Achilles will do. Achilles then starts to fight Aeneas, and almost kills him, but I remember that the Trojan has a destiny to fulfill and save him from Achilles. After heeding Apollo's warning of not attacking Achilles, Hector does after the death of his brother. Since he has killed so many people, Skamander's, the river-god's, son, Asterpaios tells Achilles to stop dirtying the river and Achilles kills him. Despite his promise with Skamander, they start fighting. In defense, we all start fighting each other, expect Apollo doesn't want to fight me. Priam opens the gates to the city, allowing the remaining Trojan soldiers to retreat.

There is nothing that can stop this boy now, even some of the little gods on Earth. Of course we have to protect Achilles, but not ruin the future of an entire race when he's on a rampage. But now Hector's time is near and Achilles must be the one to do it.

Thetis Bringing theArmor to Achillesby Benjamin West, 1806-1808
Image Source: http://mythmaniacs.com/achilles04.html

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